When Your Dog Is Relaxed
Before we get to the main topic, let's discover first what your dog looks like when they are in a relaxed state.
When your dog is relaxed, you can clearly see it in his face. The fact that it looks like your dog is smiling is an indication that he is in a relaxed state. You'll see it first in their eyes as it is soft and rounded. Ears are semi-erect and if they are approaching a person, his ears will go back a bit as a polite gesture.
You can also see in how he moves that he is all about fun.
Now that you know how they are when they are relaxed, here are some signs that tell if your dog is stressed.
Constant Isolation
If you noticed that he hides, goes in the corner often and just wants to be alone most of the time it is the first sign that he is stressed. Another reason that your dog isolates themselves is that they are not feeling well.
Decrease in Appetite
Does your pet suddenly lost interest in eating or stops eating altogether? It could be possible that he's stressed. This behavior can also be attributed to underlying health condition that caused your dog to refuse to eat or reduce food intake.
Aggression Over Dogs and People
If your dog is aggressive over another dog or even people all of a sudden, then it could be a sign that your dog is stressed out. If this happens often, you should consult a veterinarian because it will get worse and they will get used to it.
Aggressive signs are accompanied by fearful body posture, distinct facial expression and a submissive behavior.
Treating Stress
If you notice any of these signs, schedule an appointment to your vet immediately. This is because these symptoms also point out to your dog's health issues and not just being stressed. They can also make recommendations to help decrease your dog's stress levels.
Stress can be cured right away, but can be alleviated. Here are some tips to help alleviate stress levels.
Play with your dog. Playing with your dog, walking with them, or doing any physical activities helps in reducing your pet's stress levels.
Give them a safe zone. Set apart an area for your pet to hide or escape through high-stress events like loud music, fireworks, thunderstorms. If you can, stay with them until the thing that stresses them has past. Staying with them is like telling them that everything is going to be ok.