Pet Trivia: Do You Know These 28 Fun Facts About Dogs?

Pet Trivia: Do You Know These 28 Fun Facts About Dogs?

Today we're coming at you with some fun facts about dogs! We love our furry friends so much, but how much do we know about them?

We'll admit that we learned a lot as we were writing this article, and you're sure to learn a thing or two as well! When you're done reading, let us know what you learned and what some of your favorite dog facts are in the comments below!


Fun Facts About Dogs - 28 Facts in Total! 

  1. Their sense of smell is 40x better than ours - actually, that's at least 40x better. While all dogs have great sniffers, some dogs are intentionally bred to sniff things out.
    Fun Facts About Dogs - 28 Facts in Total!
  2. Dogs can sniff out illnesses and medical problems - while many dogs are aware when their owner is in pain or hurt, some dogs can be trained to sniff out certain medical conditions like some types of cancer and other illnesses. The newest disease that dogs have been trained to sniff out COVID -19!
  3. Their hearing is extremely sensitive - while many of us know that dogs can hear higher frequencies than us, it turns out that they can also hear sounds further away than we as humans can hear.
  4. Petting a dog can benefit your physical and mental health - studies have shown that petting a dog can lower your blood pressure and releases serotonin, oxytocin, prolactin in the brain to make you happier and lowers your stress levels. Looks like these fun facts about dogs are also necessary for health!
  5. Dogs with separation anxiety can be calmed with their owner's scent - If your dog has separation anxiety, try leaving some clothing that you've worn for them in a place that they can easily smell it.
  6. Dogs don't sweat - They cool themselves off by panting!
    Fun Facts About Dogs - 28 Facts in Total!
  7. Each dog nose is unique - Just like your fingerprint, each dog nose is 100% unique and all its own. 
  8. Newfoundland dogs are the best doggy lifeguards - Newfoundlands have a water-resistant coat and webbed feet that make them strong swimmers. They were initially bred to assist fishermen and, in some cases, rescue humans that were drowning. 
  9. Bloodhounds have the best sense of smell, hands down! - In fact, because of how spot-on a bloodhound's sense of smell is, it can be used as evidence in a court of law. 
  10. The United States has the highest dog population - Country of France holds the title for the second-highest dog population.
  11. The largest breed of dog is a wolfhound - A wolfhound weighs in at about 180 pounds, and if they were to stand up on their hind legs, they could measure up to seven feet tall! 
  12. However, the heaviest breed of dog is the Mastiff - These furry friends weigh in at about 200 pounds! Talk about some huge fun facts about dogs!
    Fun Facts About Dogs - 28 Facts in Total!
  13. On the other hand, chihuahuas are the smallest dog breed, only weighing between two and six pounds.