Vaccination are an important part in your pet's life as they can prevent serious diseases like rabies and hepatitis. Not only that they can protect your dog, but they also keep your family safe from harm, because some illnesses can be transferred to humans.
Protecting Dogs From Diseases
Vaccinations protect your pet against harmful, and often fatal diseases. Vaccinations trigger an immune response within your dog's body to protect against certain diseases.
Ther are two types of vaccinations to administer to your pet. The first type are core vaccines. This includes the vaccinations that are important to the health of your pet. Non-core vaccines, include protection against environmental exposure or lifestyle. Non-core vaccines are optional. You should discuss this with your veterinarian to know if your dog needs it.
Diseases You Dog Should Be Vaccinated Against
Rabies is a fatal disease in dogs. It attacks their brain and nervous system. This disease can transfer to humans through a bite, or sometimes a scratch from an infected animal.
Canine Hepatitis
Canine Hepatitis is an infectious viral disease of the liver. The virus is transmitted in urine or nasal or eye secretions. Canine Hepatitis can cause severe permanent damage to your pet.
Parvovirous is a contagious disease that could be fatal to unvaccinated dogs. The virus can remain in the environment for years. That is why it is recommended that dogs have a vaccine when they are a puppy.
Symptoms of this disease include vomiting, diarrhea, and severe dehydration.
Canine Distemper
Canine Distemper is a serious and often fatal disease in dogs. It can cause a variety of symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea, and even seizures. Dogs can become infected with this diesase when they come in contact with a sick dog or with an environment contaminated with a sick dog. Dogs should be vaccinated against this disease at least when they are 6 weeks old.
Bordetella Bronchiseptica
This bacteria is another common disease of cough in dogs. This disease is contagious and can spread through air. Vaccination against this disease is recommended for people who go to dogs parks, attend dog day cares or for those who travel a lot.
Potential Side Effects
Side effects of vaccination include low fever, muscle aches, low energy, abortion in pregnant dogs, pain, suppressed immune system, and allergic reactions.
These side effects are not always present and it varies on each dog.
How Often Should You Have Your Dog Vaccinated
There are many debates among veterinarians and pet care workers on how often vaccinations should be given to pets. A lot of dogs have been saved of these often fatal diseases because of vaccines. Annual vaccinations are rarely necessary. This is true for older dogs who especially who have come in contact with a lot of animals throughout their lifespan. In fact, senior dogs can be harmed from having too many vaccines.
It is recommended that you consult your veterinarian about pet vaccines and how often your pet should have vaccines.
How Effective Are They?
It is important to note that vaccines are not 100% effective. A vaccinated pet may not develop adequate immunity and could become ill. Yet, the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks.