News — Dog Eye Drops

Jarrett Webster

Can Lanosterol Help Prevent Cataracts in Dogs?

Can Lanosterol Help Prevent Cataracts in Dogs?

​​Cataracts in dogs are a common yet serious eye condition characterized by a clouding of the lens, leading to decreased vision and potentially blindness.  Factors like aging, diabetes, injuries, and genetics contribute to the development of cataracts, with certain breeds being more predisposed due to hereditary factors. Recognizing and managing this condition is crucial for maintaining a dog's quality of life. Lanosterol is emerging as a promising non-surgical treatment that could prevent or even reverse cataracts in dogs by dissolving the protein buildup that clouds the lens. This compound represents a significant advance in veterinary medicine, offering a potential alternative...

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Jarrett Webster

5 Common Side Effects of Dog Eye Drops

5 Common Side Effects of Dog Eye Drops

Just like us humans, dogs get eye problems too. To address these eye concerns, it’s common for us to reach for eye drops. However, as with any medication, eye drops can have side effects.

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