What’s The Best Way To Care For Your Dog’s Teeth

What’s The Best Way To Care For Your Dog’s Teeth
If you’ve noticed some not-so-attractive stains on your dog’s teeth and he hasn’t had a proper tooth brushing, keep reading to learn the best ways to clean your dog’s teeth without making them hate you.


Cleaning Your Dog’s Teeth

The best way to clean your doggo’s teeth is any way that works. Ideally, brushing them like we brush our teeth is best, but that’s not usually possible without the help of a vet. So, find ways that work best for you and them. Let’s talk about nine of these ways and tips to caring for your dog’s teeth.


Nine Ways to Clean Dog’s Teeth

Let’s face it—cleaning a dog’s teeth is a chore that both of you would rather not have to do. After all, who wants to mess with a dog’s sharp teeth, without some fear, he may not like it and try and squirm away, or worse, bite you? It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t clean them because oral care is vital to your pup’s overall health, and since there are no doggie dentures, keeping pup’s teeth clean is crucial to keeping their teeth. If your fur baby refuses to let you brush their teeth, there are more effective ways than taking a toothbrush to your pup’s teeth. Here are the nine ways to clean your dog’s teeth, so they stay healthy and clean and their mouth stays fresh


Dental Bones

Let’s start with the one your dog probably loves the best. Dental treats or bones are all the rage now, and why wouldn’t they be? Give your dog something he already loves and clean his teeth in the process? Why yes, it’s a no-brainer. There are many choices in which to choose — for example, Purina DentaStyx that come in plain, beef, or minty flavor. Giving your dog one each morning will help keep his teeth clean all day. These bones are specially-designed to