Arnel Colar
The American Eskimo
The American Eskimo is a member of the Spitz family. Despite the name and appearance, American Eskimo is not from America nor from Alaska. In fact, the American Eskimo was brought to America by the immigrants from Europe. Due to the anti-German prejudice during the First World War, it was renamed from German Spitz to American Eskimo. The name Eskimo was the name of the kennel they were taken from. American Eskimos have the tendency to mature slower than most dogs that is why you'll notice that they still have puppy-like behavior even when they are 2 years old. Despite...
Arnel Colar
Man Leaves A Badly Shaped Dog in Stranger's Backyard
When a neighbor returned home from work, he found a note that reads: "My dog is in your backyard, I cannot afford her, my husband beats her and I can't let her live with us. I love her too much. Her name is Ruben-May. Thank You."So when Quincy Bui rushed to the backyard, he saw the dog and it is in really bad shape. Bui checked the medical footage and saw what really happened in the camera. The footage shows a pickup truck parking just outside of Bui's home and a man getting out with a dog under his arm....
Arnel Colar
Tips for Choosing a Pet Carrier for Travel
Pet carriers are very useful when traveling especially in areas where a dog on a leash is not allowed. Pet carriers are essential for airline travel so be sure that you meet your airline regulations before traveling on air with your pet.
Arnel Colar
How To Solve Even the Biggest Behavioral Problems With Your Dog
When your dog won't listen to you it probably means one thing: You haven't trained them well and you have been dominated by your dog. That is why when you tried to teach them tricks or discipline them, it just don't work.
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