8 Winter Pet Travel Tips

8 Winter Pet Travel Tips

Winter Pet Travel Tips

The weather is cold, kids are out on a school break; thus making it a perfect time to head out and have fun in ski resorts, vacation homes, or even beaches. Winter is also an excellent season to take your pet with you as they love not just the cold climate, but also playing with the snow.

So if you want to take your dog out on a trip, you need to be prepared for the season. It's not like you can jump in with your dog and go for a ride right away. You need to have a plan and this article will show you a few winter travel tips with your dog.


Be always prepared

Don't forget to pack an extra leash, pet first aid kid, cleaning supplies and other things that can help you specially during unprepared emergencies.

Keep Medications at Bay

Make sure you have enough medications for your dog for the duration of the trip. It is important that you refill if you run out of stock before you head out.


Visit the Vet First

Before you set out on a journey with your pet, let your vet know that you'll be traveling then ask for special considerations to where you're heading. Don't forget to ask for a copy of your dog's immunization records and certificate of veterinary inspection. Most states will require these documents anyway so it's best to have them ready at all times.

Buckle Up

When on the road, safety is your primary concern specially this winter season where roads are slippery. Make sure that your dogs are buckled to a seat belt or dog harness. It's also a good idea to put your dog in a crate and buckle them to a seat belt, but if your dog is too big for the crate, then a pet seat cover with harness will do.

Keeping your dog restrained will keep your dog safe in the event of a sudden stop but also allows you to arrive and get your dog out safely on the car in an event of an accident.

Don't Forget The IDs

The snow and the ice makes it harder for you or your dog to find each other if you ever get separated. Make sure that you have an ID or special tag with your phone number attached to your dog's collar. For added security, you can have your dog wear a GPS collar so that you can check his whereabouts by just looking at your smartphone.

Protect Their Paws

If your walking out on a snow or ice with your dog, be sure to protect their paws using paw pads. This not only protects your dog from the discomforts of ice and snow, but also prevents them from stepping on de-icing agents.


Bring The Scent of Home With You

Dogs are creatures of habit, so if there's something odd or missing from the home he was used to, he'll either throw a tantrum or mess up the furniture to where you're staying. It's a good idea to pack a scent of home with you like your bed sheet to cover the hotel bed or your dog's blanket or bed. This will give them a familiar feeling. thus will remain well behaved as if they were at home.

Travel slowly

When traveling with your pet, think of it as traveling with a small child. You'll have to take frequent road stops and will have to take your time for fun and games with your dog. Your dogs have its own needs that you have to keep in mind or he won't travel with you ever again.

Whether traveling on the road, out on a commute, or by plane a little preparation can go a long way to ensure that you both have a great time during the holiday travel season.

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