Festive Things to Do With Your Dog This Holiday Season

Festive Things to Do With Your Dog This Holiday Season

The holidays are a magical time, and if you have a very special pup in your life, you’re probably thinking of festive things to do with your dog.

With the weather getting colder and the nights getting longer, you might feel like it’s hard to get out and do things with your dog the way you were doing last summer. But with the holiday season upon us, there are quite a few things you and Fido can do to stay active both indoors and outdoors and enjoy the holidays together. Here are some fun ideas to try out!

Pictures With Santa

Is there anything that shouts “Christmas is here” the way that a picture with Santa does? You can get dressed up together to match or just go as is. Or get the whole family involved! There are plenty of malls, stores, and studios that are pet-friendly and have Santa visiting all over the country. Are you not able to get out to the malls during the holiday season? Don’t worry! There are plenty of online programs and apps that allow you to take virtual Santa pictures.  

Take Holiday Card Pictures 

Maybe pictures with Santa aren’t your thing, but if you’re still planning to send out your yearly Christmas cards, make sure to get the family pup involved! Whether you’re hiring a professional photographer or snapping a few pictures on your phone, you can bring your dog along to take family portraits. You can dress them up in a bandana or bow ties and have them groomed a few days ahead of time, so they look just right. If you’re hiring a professional photographer, let them know you plan on bringing your family dog along. If you’re in charge of the pictures yourself, search for tips on how to get your dog to sit still and take great pictures.

Take a Car Ride to Look at the Lights

Does your four-legged friend love a good car ride? Then here’s a great idea when it comes to finding things to do with your dog! Go on a hunt for the best Christmas lights in the neighborhood or city. After all, there is no better time to take a car ride than during the holidays. If your dog likes driving with the windows down, don’t forget to bring some hot cocoa along to keep you warm!

Pick Out or Make Matching Ugly Christmas Sweater

We can all agree that there is nothing quite as adorable as your furry best friend dressed up in a sweater, right? So whether the two of you are heading to an ugly Christmas sweater party later this season or are just love twinning with your pet, this is the perfect time to do it. Consider ordering a kit that you can put together yourself in the company of your dog. Or, if crafts are not your thing, you can find plenty of matching sets online!  

Volunteer With Your Pup This Holiday Season

There is so much love in the air during the holiday season, so if you’re looking for things to do with your dog, it’s only natural that you would want to find a way to donate your time by volunteering. This year, you can involve your dog too! If your dog is well behaved and kind to strangers, consider volunteering at a local hospital or nursing home. Seeing and petting a dog can be therapeutic for people alone or going through a hard time, so introducing your pup to some new people could be the highlight of their day.

Another great way to volunteer is at your local animal shelter. You and your pup can put together a few care packages for the dogs and cats, donate food, or donate your time by offering to clean out crates, foster a dog, or provide a playmate for a shelter dog. Socialization is an integral part of a dog’s training, so see if your local shelter is open for visiting.

Make Ornaments for the Tree

Are you looking for a whole new way to bring your Christmas tree to life? Then try making homemade ornaments with your dog this year using a simple salt dough recipe. With the salt dough, you can make almost anything you can imagine. Handprints are one of the most common ways for families to decorate a salt dough ornament, but don’t forget about your fluffy friend! Make sure you get their pawprint in the tree too. If you want to go all-out with the dog theme on the tree, you can use cookie cutters in the shapes of bones, treats, dog toys, and more. Not only is this a fun and inexpensive way to get your dog in on the festivities, but it’s also a great way to get the whole family involved and spend time together this season.  

Let Your Pets in on the Celebration With Gifts

Are you still looking for more festive things to do with your dog? No matter what holiday you and your family celebrate during the season, gift-giving is a huge part of this time of year. So if you’re looking for a way to show your appreciation and love for your pet, you can shower them with gifts. Chew toys, dog treats, and accessories are all gift ideas that your dog has on their wishlist this year. You might think that these are all things they get every so often, but it’s extra special when they get a ton all at once! Check online for holiday-themed toys and treats for an even more joyful experience.

Travel Safely for The Holidays With Plush Paws Products

Our family here at Plush Paws Products wishes all of you and your dogs a very happy holiday! We hope that you and your family have a wonderful time checking out these things to do with your dog this season and that you do so in a safe matter.

If you are traveling at all, make sure to use Plush Paws Products car seat covers and accessories to travel with your pup safely and comfortably. And the biggest perk of all? Our covers keep your car clean, and they are easy to wash. Give your pet the gift of a comfy ride this season and shop our collection today!

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