Top 5 Reasons Why You Need Dog Car Seat Protection

Top 5 Reasons Why You Need Dog Car Seat Protection

Dog car seat protection is more essential than you think, and once you try it out, it will be a game-changer you can’t go without. 

If you’re like most dog parents, you love taking out your adventurous pup on road trips—both long and short. When we say “road trips,” we’re also referring to trips to the dog park, grocery store, hiking, and other hot spots. With the rise of pet-friendly places, such as small shops, hotels, and even coffee shops, it’s no wonder we want to take our fur baby with us everywhere! And we can and should! 

However, with this much great freedom comes responsibility. Although we love our furry best friends, there’s denying they’re a handful. While you’re driving, your dog may be drooling, scratching your car seats’ fine leather, and leaving stray hairs all over the place (and we know how hard to remove those are!). Additionally, there’s always that possibility of your pup getting an upset stomach and causing an accident. 

We love our dogs, so we certainly don’t want to leave them behind when we go on fun runs. Luckily, there’s a solution: dog car seat covers. They’re easy to install, faster to clean than your car’s upholstery, and can even provide extra storage. 

Keep reading to find out how these car seat covers can protect your investment and sanity in today’s blog. 

Top 5 Reasons Why You Need Dog Car Seat Protection

Should I Get a Dog Car Seat for My Dog?

As dog lovers, we understand why people love dog car seats, AKA booster seats; however, we don’t necessarily think they should be the standard for dog safety. All pet parents can agree that their dog’s safety is a main priority, and many of them end up buying a costly booster seat, thinking it will keep their precious pup safe. While dog car seats can be effective, they can also be cumbersome. Let’s discuss how they work. 

How Do Dog Car Seats Work?

Similar to a seat belt, some boosters thoughtfully include a tether that you can clip to your dog’s harness. This is a significant improvement over seats that don’t include a tether at all, which can be a safety hazard in the event of an accident. While we’re a fan of the inclusion of tether straps, they’re not the most practical. Let’s be real: most dogs barely like wearing clothes, so imagine how uncooperative they’ll be when you try putting a harness on them frequently? Most people are going to ignore