Top 6 Ways to Get Rid of Dog Hair in Car Seats

Top 6 Ways to Get Rid of Dog Hair in Car Seats

As dog owners, we often enjoy the company of our furry friends on road trips and outings. They're not simply pets; they're part of the family, which is why we love having them along for the ride. The joy is evident in their wagging tails and eager faces as they hop into the car, ready for a new adventure. 

However, one of the less delightful aspects of these journeys is dealing with the stubborn dog hair that clings to car seats and seems almost impossible to remove. While vacuuming is a go-to solution, it often falls short, especially in getting those pesky, embedded hairs out from tight spaces and fabric grooves.

In this blog, we'll explore the top effective ways to ensure your car remains clean and free of dog hair, making your journeys together as enjoyable and hassle-free as possible. From tried-and-true methods to some innovative tricks you might not have considered, we have several strategies to help you tackle this hairy issue. 

Stay tuned as we dive into each method to help you maintain a clean and welcoming car environment, no matter how furry your co-pilot may be.


Balloons are surprisingly effective in removing dog hair from car seats, leveraging the same principle of static electricity that makes our hair stand on end during those fun science experiments. Here's how to use this method to your advantage:


Start with a few standard balloons; you might want to have several on hand if you're dealing with a large area or a particularly furry situation.


Inflate the balloons to a manageable size — not too large, as you'll need to handle them easily. Rub the balloon vigorously against the car seats or any fabric surface where dog hair has accumulated.


As you rub, the balloon generates static electricity. This static charge causes the dog hair to leap from the fabric and cling to the balloon’s surface. It’s quite a spectacle — watching the hair jump from the seat to the balloon as it passes over the fabric.


Continue this process with fresh balloons as needed. Each balloon will only pick up so much hair before losing its effectiveness due to hair buildup. Using a new balloon will make the process more efficient rather than trying to clean the balloon itself.


Once you’ve collected a significant amount of hair on a balloon, dispose of it and start again with a new one if necessary. If you're covering a large area, this might mean going through quite a few balloons.

This method is particularly useful for quick cleanups and can be especially handy for lighter infestations of pet hair. However, if your car is heavily blanketed in dog hair, you might find this method a bit more labor-intensive, although it remains a novel and chemical-free option for pet owners.

Rubber kitchen glove

You’ve probably used rubber kitchen gloves for washing dishes, but they're also an incredibly effective tool for removing dog hair from car seats. This method is both affordable and straightforward, requiring minimal equipment and effort. 


Grab a pair of standard rubber kitchen gloves. These are typically available in most households, but they can also be purchased inexpensively at any general store.

Wet the gloves 

Lightly moisten the rubber gloves under tap water. This increases their ability to attract hair due to the slight stickiness induced by the moisture. The wet surface acts similarly to a lint roller but is more versatile for getting into tight spots and textured surfaces of car upholstery.

Rubbing the seats 

Slip on the gloves and start rubbing the car’s interior surfaces where dog hair is visible. It’s most effective to rub in a single direction rather than back and forth to gather the hair into manageable clumps. As you move your hands over the fabric, the friction between the wet rubber and the upholstery helps lift and gather the hair.

Forming hair clumps 

As you continue to rub, you’ll notice hair beginning to pile up. The wet rubber helps roll these hairs into larger clumps that are significantly easier to pick up. This method reduces the hair into fewer, larger pieces, rather than spreading them around or breaking them into smaller, airborne pieces.

Vacuum or pick up 

Once you have gathered the hair into clumps, you easily pick them up by hand or use a vacuum cleaner for a final sweep. This ensures that even the smallest hairs are removed from the car seats.

Optional misting technique 

Alternatively, lightly mist the car seat with water using a spray bottle before using the gloved hand technique. This helps capture even more hair, as the slight dampness helps the hair stick to the rubber even better.

Rubber kitchen gloves are a quick, effective, and environmentally friendly way to remove dog hair from car seats. This method doesn’t require harsh chemicals or expensive tools, making it safe for your car and your pets. It's especially useful for those unexpected moments when you need to tidy up your car's interior before having passengers.

Brush your dog before driving

A person holds a clump of dog hair in front of a dog, illustrating the challenge of pet hair on car seat covers.

Brushing your dog before setting off on a drive is an effective preemptive strategy to minimize the amount of hair that ends up on your car's seats and flooring. While it might seem like a small step, it reduces the effort required to clean your car after a trip. Here’s a detailed look at how to make the most of this preventive measure:

Select the right brush 

The effectiveness of brushing greatly depends on the type of brush you use, which should be suited to your dog’s specific coat type

  • For short-haired dogs, a bristle brush or a grooming glove works well to remove loose fur without irritating the skin. 
  • For long-haired breeds, a slicker brush or an undercoat rake might be necessary to tackle tangles and prevent matting. 
  • Using the correct brush maximizes hair removal and ensures the brushing experience is comfortable for your dog.

Regular brushing routine

Make it a routine to brush your dog before every car trip, not only for special occasions. This habit helps to continuously manage shedding and keeps your dog’s coat in optimal condition. Regular brushing distributes natural oils throughout the coat, which can improve its health and reduce overall shedding over time.

Effective brushing technique 

When brushing, be thorough and gentle. Start from the head and work your way down to the tail. Pay special attention to areas that shed more heavily, such as behind the ears, under the belly, and around the neck. 

Always brush in the direction of hair growth to ensure comfort and effectiveness. This method helps lift and remove the loose fur that would otherwise detach and embed itself in your car’s upholstery.

Pre-drive check

After brushing, give your dog a quick once-over to catch any stray hairs. Use a lint roller or give them a gentle shake outdoors to dislodge any remaining loose hairs.

Post-brush cleanup

Remember to clean the brush after each use. Removing the accumulated hair keeps the brush effective and hygienic for the next grooming session.

Incorporating a quick brushing session before car trips keeps your vehicle cleaner and contributes to your dog’s overall grooming routine, promoting a healthier coat and a more pleasant driving experience. Taking a few minutes to brush your dog saves a significant amount of cleaning time later, making it a worthwhile habit for all dog owners.

Packing tape or duct tape

Using packing or duct tape is a quick and economical method for removing dog hair from car interiors, particularly when you don’t have access to more specialized cleaning tools or are in a hurry to tidy up. 

Choosing the right tape

Opt for a strong, wide tape like duct tape, which is ideal due to its durability and high adhesive quality. Ensure the tape is robust enough not to tear during use, and sticky enough to pick up a maximum amount of hair. 

Packing tape is another good option, especially for lighter clean-ups, as it usually comes in wide rolls that cover a good surface area.

Preparing the tape

Cut or tear off a piece of tape long enough to wrap comfortably around your hand. For larger hands or bigger cleaning areas, consider using longer pieces to increase the surface area covered by each pat.

Application technique

Wrap the tape around your hand with the sticky side facing outwards, creating a makeshift lint roller. Make sure it’s secure but not too tight — you should be able to move your hand freely.

Cleaning process

Press your tape-wrapped hand onto the car seat upholstery where dog hair is visible. Pat the seat firmly to ensure the tape contacts all the fibers of the upholstery, lifting the hair off with each tap. Lift your hand, peel off the tape, and observe how much hair has been collected.

Repeat as necessary

Continue this process, moving around the car seat or affected area, using fresh pieces of tape as needed. Each piece will gather more hair until the adhesive is no longer effective.


Once a piece of tape is fully coated with hair and no longer sticky, carefully remove it from your hand, roll it up with the hair inside to prevent any stray hairs from escaping, and dispose of it properly.

Final touches

After you've removed as much hair as possible with the tape, go over the area with a vacuum or a fresh piece of tape to catch any residual hairs that were missed during the initial cleanup.

This method is also great for spot cleaning after a trip with your pet or before having human passengers who might not appreciate pet hair on their clothing.

Vacuum with pet hair attachment

While standard vacuum attachments remove some hair, they often struggle to deal with pet hair efficiently. To transform your vacuum into a pet-hair-fighting machine, consider using a specialized pet hair attachment or a brush attachment with rubber bristles. 

Select the right attachment

Invest in a pet hair attachment or a brush attachment with rubber bristles specifically designed for lifting pet hair. These attachments are tailored to grip and remove hair from fabric and upholstery more effectively than standard vacuum tools.


Before you start vacuuming, remove any large debris or objects from your car seats and floor. This will allow the vacuum to focus entirely on extracting the hair.


Turn the vacuum on and carefully pass the pet hair attachment over the affected areas. The specialized bristles or rubber elements in the attachment will agitate the fibers of your car’s upholstery, loosening and lifting the hair. 

For best results, vacuum in multiple directions — this cross-action helps snag more hair embedded in different angles of the fabric.

Persistent areas

Pay special attention to crevices and seams where hair tends to accumulate and stick. Use a crevice tool first, if necessary, to dislodge hair from tight spaces before going over them with the pet hair attachment.

Regular maintenance

Make vacuuming a regular part of your vehicle maintenance routine, especially if you frequently travel with your dog. Regular sessions will prevent hair from building up to unmanageable levels, making each cleaning session quicker and more effective.

Close-up of fabric showcasing white fibers, ideal for dog owners seeking to remove pet hair from car seat covers.

Car seat covers

Car seat covers are an effective barrier that protects your car seats from pet hair, dirt, and spills. What makes car seat covers especially appealing is their ease of maintenance; to remove pet hair, simply take off the cover and shake it out or wash it, if necessary. 

Many covers are also waterproof, preventing any moisture from seeping into your car seats, thus maintaining the integrity and cleanliness of your interior.

Car seat covers from Plush Paws

Plush Paws car seat covers are designed with the pet owner in mind, providing a durable, easy-to-clean surface that makes controlling pet hair straightforward and stress-free. This solution is particularly ideal for those looking for an efficient way to manage shedding; it minimizes cleaning efforts and keeps your car looking great.

While individual results vary depending on your dog's shedding, incorporating a high-quality car seat cover from Plush Paws enhances your ability to keep your vehicle hair-free. 

Whether you're dealing with a light shedder or a furry powerhouse, combining the use of a car seat cover with other hair removal techniques will ensure your car remains clean and inviting for all passengers, on four legs or two.

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