To dog lovers with allergies, a hypoallergenic Goldendoodle can be a dream come true; but are Goldendoodles really hypoallergenic?
Dogs can make great companions. They are loving, fun, and helpful, and they make lonely days more bearable. But when your love of dogs and allergies cross paths, either ultimatum can leave you sniffling.
Pet allergies can really dampen the joy felt in having a pet companion. Allergies are the epitome of discomfort, affecting almost every mode by which you experience the world, your eyes, nose, and skin.
If you are unsure your love of dogs can’t overcome your allergies, you may be trying to find a dog that doesn’t trigger your allergies. Many see Goldendoodles, the crossbreed of a poodle and golden retriever, as the answer to their woes.
What does Hypoallergenic mean?
Any animal labeled as “hypoallergenic” means that they don’t produce allergens or cause allergic reactions as much as other animals.
The fur of a Goldendoodle forms a thick layer between its skin and environment. This thick layer of fur also prevents some of the particles responsible for allergies from spreading.
Hypoallergenic does not mean non-allergenic. The particles that cause allergies–known best as allergens–are produced by all dogs. Those with dog allergies may still find they are sensitive, even to a hypoallergenic Goldendoodle.
The REAL cause of pet allergies
Goldendoodles' most significant selling point is that they are crossbred and purportedly do not trigger allergies. This assumption isn’t entirely true. All dogs can trigger allergies.
Goldendoodles shed less. The lower amount of hair produced leads to a common misconception that less dog hair will mean fewer allergies.
The biggest culprit for trigger allergies is dander. Dander particles come from the dog’s skin, not hair. Dry flecks of skin will slough off your dog and float through the air. The lightness of these skin particles allows them to float in the air longer, especially if there is any amount of circulation.
Once dog dander gets in your body, either through the eyes, nose, or mouth, your body starts fighting off the supposed harmful thing at the source of entry. Hair has little to do with whether or not a dog will cause allergies.
Do Goldendoodles produce allergens?
Allergens are caused by the skin, not by the hair of dogs. So, yes, Goldendoodles produce allergens. Even bald dogs will produce allergens.
The reason Goldendoodles can be considered less allergenic than other dogs is because they have a fur coat that can contain their dander better. A loose coat of fur that sheds won’t keep dog dander contained.
Depending on your dog's genetics, whether it takes after the poodle more than the golden retriever, it may be more or less prone to shedding and sloughing dander into the air.
What can help prevent dog dander?
You can somewhat mitigate the dander your dog produces through grooming and care. Goldendoodles will still shed. Their hair is more prone to shedding when the seasons change in the spring and fall.
Too much or not enough care will facilitate more shedding from your furry friends. Washing your dog too frequently or with the wrong type of shampoo can irritate the skin or trigger the need to shed. Conversely, infrequent grooming can lead to matted hair and a dirty undercoat which can cause more shedding to occur.
The right balance should exist between overcare and neglect.
- Refrain from bathing your dog multiple times per week–once per month is generally sufficient.
- Use special shampoos made for dogs.
- Brush your dog down every few days to keep their undercoat loose and free.
- Ensure your dog eats the correct balance of nutrients to support healthy skin and hair.
How to Bathe a Goldendoodle
Dogs are generally energetic and playful. Goldendoodles, when unleashed, can get very excited.
As tempting as it is to want to bathe your dog every time they get hot and dirty, frequent baths may cause more harm than good. As the time between baths progress, a layer of bacteria forms along with your dog's skin, helping keep the skin healthy. Frequent baths can disrupt the symbiotic relationship between your dog and this layer, causing your dog to have more irritated skin that’s prone to dryness and shedding.
When bathing your dog, be sure to use the correct shampoo. Human shampoo can irritate as it was not created for dogs and dog hair. Dog shampoo contains the vitamins and chemicals designed specifically for dogs and dog skin.
Why you should brush your dog
Brushing your dog works to reduce allergens in two ways:
- Brushing your dog removes hair that is already loose and ready to fall out. This hair has the potential to spread allergens. Removing it is a preemptive way of dealing with allergies.
- Brushing your dog keeps the underlayer of fur loose and prevents matting. Clumped hair can create an unhealthy tangle of fur that may incite more shedding.
An excellent way to show your little friend you care is by giving them a brush every day or every few days!
Getting a Balanced Diet
It should go without saying that bad nutrition will harm your dogs. An incorrect intake of vitamins can cause problems getting the correct nutrients to your dog’s hair. An imbalance such as this, in turn, can cause your dog to shed more.
Finding a pet food with a good balance of nutrition or giving your pet a special canine multivitamin can help improve your dog’s health and your allergies!
Keeping your car fur-free with Plush Paws Products!
So, are Goldendoodles really hypoallergenic? Yes, but they still shed and trigger allergies. You will need something to protect your car seats and keep you comfortable as you travel with your furry friend.
Plush Paws Products offers a variety of options suited for every vehicle! Ride in style and comfort with one of our car seat covers, so you don’t have to worry about getting all the dog hair out from the crevices of your seat.
We are here to support you and your pet with all your travel needs! Check out our inventory to see what is best for you.