Corgis are a popular dog breed and do great with people with families. If you’ve recently adopted one or thinking about adopting one, you may wonder whether they bark excessively.
As a new dog owner, this is a significant concern and one we will talk about in today’s blog, so keep reading.
Do Corgis Bark too Much?
To answer the question: yes, Corgis are known to bark excessively. There are two breeds: the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Some may not bark as much as others, but it depends on certain factors. Still, because Corgis are quite intelligent and obedient, you can train them more easily to manage their vocal behavior. Let’s discuss the reasons why Corgis bark so much.
Reasons Why Corgis Bark
There isn’t any particular reason why Corgis bark a lot. They bark for the same reason why most dogs bark—they’re hungry, bored, annoyed at someone or something, or they’re warning you of a situation. Remember, this is how dogs, in general, communicate. Ignoring them doesn’t help and can cause more barking. They were initially bred to be herd dogs on sheep and cattle farm, so their nature is to be energetic and to bark at other animals; this made them valuable on the farm.
The best thing for Corgis is to allow them to burn off energy daily and keep them stimulated with activities. Besides barking, Corgis also grumble, whine, and grunt, as if they’re talking to their owners. They are, in their own way, so don’t dismiss them, or you may have a big issue on your hands!

How Often Do Corgis Bark?
Before you go out and pick out a Corgi, realize that an untrained or young pup will bark morning, noon, and night, sometimes even non-stop. This could get very annoying, not just for you, but for your neighbors as well. If you understand this and can provide obedience training, owning a Corgi can be very rewarding.
Training a Corgi not to bark as much may be challenging and take some time since it’s their instinct to do so, but it’s necessary. You may notice your pup barks at anything walking or running by, which is normal, but if you don’t start training immediately after you adopt one, it will be that much harder in the long-run.
Tips to Help Excessive Barking
It may seem to own a Corgi isn’t worth the hassle, but there are several things you can do to limit their barking and still enjoy them as pets.
Offer Treats as a Reward
It’s not easy to stay calm when your Corgi is in full barking mode, and you are trying to visit with friends or when your dog barks any time anyone knocks on the door. Offering treats as a way to lessen the barking is optimal. When your dog barks and you can train them to calm down, offer them their favorite treat. Do it every time they obey and keep it consistent. Note that keep the treats nutritious and small so it doesn’t interfere with their eating routine.
Also, ensure you’re not training them when there’s already someone knocking at the door. A good idea is enlisting a friend to help. When they knock on the door, and you get your dog’s attention with a treat, they will start to associate treats with paying attention to you and not the door. This is key to stopping the behavior. Just make sure you always have treats within arm’s reach.
Distract with a Puzzle Toy
There are many toys for dogs to use as a distraction or to help them be mentally stimulated. Kong products are great for aggressive chewers and are made of rubber, so they bounce, encouraging play. Also, since they’re hollow inside, you can stuff in treats and give them an incentive to play, instead of focusing on the door or the person walking by.
If you’re gone during the day, it’s an ideal way to keep them busy. Stuff your Kong toy before you leave, and they will go crazy trying to get at their treats.
Exercise Your Corgi
Most dogs love to run and work off the energy they’ve built up. Corgis are no exception. They need exercise that helps them stay fit and stave off boredom. Plus, when Corgis are exhausted from running all over, they bark less, a win-win for everyone! Try getting them on the trails or playing fetch with a frisbee or ball for a period every day. Anything you can do with them, such as walking or running, will help them bond and be more obedient.
One more thing to mention: dog parks or daycare centers are a great place to socialize your dog and allow them to “exercise” their vocal cords with other dogs. When they arrive back home, they may be too tired to do much else other than nap.
Enlist Professional Training
Sometimes, when it’s challenging to train a Corgi yourself, enlisting the help of a professional may be best. Trainers have the necessary skills and experience to get your dog to bark less, so when nothing works, it may be time to bring in the big guns. When researching dog trainers, get their credentials and see if they’ve had experience with Corgis. Involve your family in training, so everyone’s on board with what’s expected, and your dog doesn’t get confused on who to obey.

What Not to Do
When training your Corgi to bark less, it’s essential to use humane methods. Yes, there are shock collars or other ways to get your dog to stop barking. However, studies show aggressive means of reducing barking damage your pup, mentally, emotionally, and even physically—depending on what’s used. Remember, Corgis are only doing what they were designed to do. It’s as if someone tried to silence you from talking; it’s against being humane.
Never hit your Corgi or use shock or high shrill noises to stop a barking dog. Also, muzzling or doing extreme things, such as removing their vocal cords (believe me, it happens), is cruel and, in many states, illegal. You want them to trust you, not be afraid of you. Plus, it could backfire and make them more aggressive towards other people.
Reward Your Corgi for Obeying
When your Corgi has gone a specific time without excessive barking, reward them with a road trip or joy ride. Before you go, visit our shop for protective seat covers from dirt, hair, mud, or water. We have many dog car seat cover options with which to choose that include fabrics, sizes, colors, and textures to fit your vehicle. Take your pup on frequent fun rides, and they will thank you, even by being more obedient.