9 Amazing Facts About Puppies You’ve Never Heard

9 Amazing Facts About Puppies You’ve Never Heard

If you’re a dog parent, you may know everything there is to know about dogs, but are you keen on facts about puppies?

New-born puppies activate our brain’s “aww” response with their big eyes and heads attached to their stubby bodies. These fur babies grab our attention, we love looking at them, and on a more scientific level, they trigger neural activity associated with how our brain reacts to rewards and our sense of compassion and empathy. 

In humans and other creatures, this response is an evolved, natural behavior that motivates adults to take care of helpless infants and to be more sensitive to their unique needs. In fact, a recent study found that puppies reach peak cuteness levels at eight weeks of age; this is the time when their canine moms begin to allow them to fend for themselves. 

Doesn’t reading about puppies make your heart melt? If so, you’re in for a treat! Keep reading to learn nine interesting facts about puppies that you may not know about

1. The Word “Puppy” is Derived from French

The word “puppy” made its first appearance in English dictionaries in the late 16th century. Etymologists believe that this word comes from the French word poupée, which means doll or toy. Before the 16th century, English speakers called new-born pups “whelps.” One of Shakespeare’s works, King John, popularized the term “puppy-dog.” 


2. Yes, Puppies Also Have Baby Teeth

Unless you’ve raised a puppy, you may not know that they grow baby teeth, much like human babies. Like most mammals, newborn pups are born without any teeth. At approximately 2-4 weeks of age, a puppy’s 28 baby