Tips for Camping with Your Dog

Tips for Camping with Your Dog

The adventures of camping are only made more memorable by the presence of your dogs. There’s something gritty and real about camping and tenting up with dogs only intensifies that experience. If you’re camping with dogs, though, you’ll have some additional things to consider and you’ll need the right camping with dog gear.

Tips for Camping With Your Dog

Keep Them Healthy

Camping can be fun, but it can also be a stressful and anxious experience for your dog. You’re putting them in a new environment with a lot of stimulation, and while it’s a great way to give your dog the opportunity for mental exercises, it is sometimes exhausting for them as well. Giving them plenty of good, healthy habits in the weeks leading up to the trip will make sure that your canine friend maintains his wellness and makes the most of the camping experience. You can also keep your dog’s energy up with supplements to help reduce inflammation from any hiking you may do. 

Watch the Weather

The winter season can pose health concerns for your beautiful dog--and that’s when you’re not even out in the wilderness. Keep in mind that when you go out camping, the weather can dip through different extremes. If your dog experiences problems, you’re also a lot farther away from access to care.

This doesn’t mean that camping with your dog is inherently dangerous, just don’t test the weather!