How to Groom and Care for Your Dog

How to Groom and Care for Your Dog

Whether you have chosen your first dog or is planning to take care of one, grooming and caring for your dog is important to keep them not only clean but healthy as well. Dogs can groom themselves by licking their coat or chewing their fur. But sometimes that is not enough. This is where we, as dog parents look and smell at their best.

The Importance of Grooming Your Dog

Grooming your dog is not about keeping them good-looking. It is about keeping them in top physical health as well as being at their best appearance. Moreover, grooming your dog is easy. All you need is a dog brush, nail clippers and other dog grooming tools to do it.  Or better yet book regular grooming appointments if you don't have the time. Here are the five reasons a groomed pet is a happy pet:

Removes dead skin and hair. Without proper grooming, all your pet's dead skin and coat stay in them. Grooming them to get rids of these dead skin and hair; thus improving air circulation to the skin. This is particularly important during summer. When the dead skin and hair are gone, you'll end up with a healthy and shiny coat. Healthy and brushed coats shed less.

Regular trimming of your dog's nails can help keep the nails short. It also reinforces their foot structure and posture. Long, untrimmed hair poses a high risk of infection.

Get rid of parasites before they spread. When you groom your dog, you can immediately spot ticks, and lice and get remove them right away.

You'll learn more about your dog's body. As you groom your pet, you'll be more familiar with your dog's body. In time, you'll be able to tell what is wrong with your pet as you stroke your hands throughout your dog's body. You'll be in the position to identify problems before it escalates.

You'll have a better bond with your dog. The time you spend with your pet grooming them immediately creates a lasting bond with your pet. The more that you do it, the more that your dog will trust you and you be more in tune with your dog.

Your pet will look and smell great. Yes. we understand that grooming your pet can take a lot of time. But, when your dog looks and smells good, it outweighs the time you need to spend to groom them. If you don't have the time,  visit your nearest professional pet groomer and let them do it for you.

Bathing Your Dog

It is recommended to bathe your dog as often as possible. But this depends on the activity your dog is at or if he or she has skin problems. If your dog goes outdoor a lot, frequent bathing is recommended.

Bathing your dog at least once or twice a month with dog shampoo is recommended. If you intend to bathe your dog for more than once a month, use a moisturizing shampoo to prevent your dog's skin from getting dry.

When you bathe your dog regularly, you clean the skin and coat of your pet. Bathing also helps in removing the loose hair, debris, and improve your dog's coat and shine.

Grooming Your Dog

Grooming and combing your hair is important in pet care. When you brush your hair, you keep your dog's coat in good condition by removing the loose hair. It also prevents hair buildup and knots. Brushing aid in distributing the healthy natural skin oils over the hair shaft; thus, promotes a shiny coat.

Caring for your dog's teeth

Brushing your dog's teeth promotes a healthy diet keeps your dog's mouth healthy. Without regular brushing of your dog's teeth, the bacteria and plaque could build-up on your dog's teeth. This can harden and potentially cause gingivitis. Gingivitis can cause tooth loss and various gum diseases.

Caring for your Dog's Eyes

Giving your dog regular eye exam is not that difficult. Moreover, inspecting your dog's eyes can keep you alert to inflammation, cloudiness. It can also tell that your dog may have health problems.

  • To inspect your dog's eyes, first, face your dog's face in a lit area.
  • Look into your dog's eyes. What you should be seeing is that your dog's eyes should be clear and bright. They eyeballs should be white.
  • Pupils should be equal in size and it shouldn't have any tearing or discharge.
  • Using your thumb, roll out the lower eyelid and look at the lining. The lining should be pink, not white or red.

Ear Care

Another to be included in your dog's regular routine is checking for your dog's ears. This is important so that you can detect excessive earwax or any other ear problems. Don't clean your dog's ear too as it could cause irritation. Never insert any ear cleaning instrument too deep into your dog's ear canal. Doing so can cause infection and may even cause them to be deaf.

  • Only clean your dog's inner ear with a cotton ball or a piece of gauze wet with liquid ear cleaner or mineral oil.
  • Fold your pet's ear back to wipe away any debris or earwax visible on the underside of the ear.
  • Do not rub the wax into the ear, instead lift away the dirt so it won't cause any irritation.
  • If you don't know how to clean your dog's inner ear, ask the vet first to ensure that you are doing it right.

Here's a video showing how to properly clean your dog's ears:

Nail Care

On average, most dogs would have to get their nails trimmed at least once every two months.  You can also tell if your dog's nails are too long when:
The nails of your dog touched the ground, it is a sign that it needs to be trimmed.
Your pet's nails are clicking or getting snagged on the floor it's time to trim their nails as well.

Some dogs have sensitive feet and don't want their paws to be touched. If this is the case, then you have to get them acclimated to clipping their nails. It's best to start when they are still puppies. Give them a foot massage by rubbing your hand up and down the leg and press each individual toe. Don't forget to give them treats if they've done a good job. Your dog will be comfortable in letting their nails clipped within a week or more of giving a massage.

Caring for Their Paws

Their paws are like their shoes as it gives them protection against the rough ground they are walking/running. It also offers insulation from the harsh weather.  The paws provide them extra protection to their bones and joints against shock. You need to check your pet's paws regularly to ensure that it doesn't have wounds or infections.

  • If your dog's paws are cracked and dry, your veterinarian will suggest a moisturizer made for their paws.
  • When your dog has cut or wounds, you can clean it by using antibacterial wash wrapped in a bandage. When the cut is deep, contact your vet immediately.

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